Here we get to know Hanna Dewi, WFF fitness model who splits her time between New Zealand and Bali, Indonesia. We get to know her story and her motivations for living an active lifestyle.
Intro to Hanna
Hanna Dewi is an international model, WFF fitness pro and personal trainer who splits her time between New Zealand and Bali, Indonesia. She holds down her busy work life, while maintaining great condition all year round, alongside her yoga, downhill biking, snowboarding and travel.
Hanna’s hard work, kind nature and positive mindset help her live a healthy and balanced lifestyle with fitness at it’s core. Here we learn how she stays positive and motivated towards her goals, while juggling a busy schedule.
'Mindset For Muscle' was created to share perspectives and learn from each other in the fitness space. In the hopes you'll find an insight which gets you one step closer towards your own goals. To kick things off, please jump ahead to a topic which interests you from the highlights below.
- Hanna’s motivation to train ‘bodybuilding is beautiful’
- Hanna’s counter intuitive fitness idea which has helped her get better results
- Why Hanna's lifestyle busts the myth “Lifting weights will make you bulky”
- How Hanna stays positive when things get stressful
- How Hanna maintains her focus to live better each day
- How Hanna grows her social media profile
What Is Mindset For Muscle?
In this series we aim to uncover ideas and tips which can help develop your mindset and find motivation for your fitness journey. Including interviews with influencers in the fitness space.

What's Your Story
Growing up I loved playing sport and I was always an active person. One of my ambitions when I was a kid was to be a good athlete but I didn't have a chance until I moved to Bali 13 years ago. Besides working 8 hours a day I spent a lot of time working out in the gym. The gym is my happy place where I go to sweat and relieve stress.
I have always loved training and wanted to take things a step further by challenging myself to compete in a bikini competition. I love the entire process of searching for a training program, creating a diet plan and working hard to get my body ready. I'm so glad that I can share my experience with other women because I feel previously women were a bit scared to go to the gym. My goal is to change that mindset because bodybuilding is beautiful. Today I continue to learn, train hard and show others my fitness lifestyle in order to motivate them along with showing others the benefits of fitness and a healthy lifestyle.
What are you currently working on?
I currently work on my physical flexibility, learning more about mobility and I am loving the zen of yoga.
What's a counter intuitive fitness idea which has helped you get better results?
It has been important to have a rest day as part of my workout program as the body and mind are constantly put under stress during exercise. Daily exercise without a day of rest can wear you out physically and mentally. Mind and body balance.
What are some beliefs you have which helped on your fitness journey?
Thoughts become reality and I believe hard work will pay off in the end. What we think and believe will influence our actions. Then our action will lead us to the result we want.

Hanna being crowned a WFF fitness pro in New Zealand.

Hanna uses her lifestyle to show other women they can lift and be active while maintaining their femininity.

"It’s easy to become discouraged when you don’t see the progress you’re expecting right away, so staying motivated and committed is key for me when trying to gain muscle as a natural bodybuilder" - Hanna
How do you decide which fitness trends are effective and worth trying?
I am mindful to choose and follow reliable fitness coaches. I only try a new trend after I research what the true benefit of it is. E.g. a diet trend or a workout trend on social media, before you try something new do the homework first.
How do you manage travelling to new locations while maintaining a healthy balanced diet?
Simple, I love my body so whenever/ wherever I go I’ll always try to maximise good nutrition for my body. You are what you eat.
What’s your number 1 fitness advice?
Stay active with the exercise you enjoy and always start slowly if exercise is new to you. Eg: start walking around the block everyday and before you know it you will be running around it.
If you could pick a “golden rule” for fitness, what would it be?
Consistency is vital. Being consistent means dedicating yourself to your goals and staying focused to achieve your goal.
What’s a fitness myth which you think is BS?
Lifting weights will make you bulky. In fact will help you slim down by increasing calorie burn while enhancing muscle.
What’s a lesson from your journey that you wish you knew at the start?
Correct form is way more important than the amount of weight you are lifting
What’s your go-to meal at the moment?
Chicken and broccoli with touch of spice with pineapple afterwards.
Have ambition, dream big and go for it.
How does it feel to step on stage for the first time?
It is an adrenaline rush and to be honest it made me very nervous. I'm very proud at the same time because I made it to the final stage after 16 weeks of hard work - it's show time.
How do you maintain a positive mindset to stay committed to your workout plan?
Working out has been part of my daily life for a long time so I am very used to it now and most importantly I love it. To me it is like having a meal .… Its hard to describe but I get hungry for a work out every time I’m not doing any exercise
What advice do you have for staying positive and happy when things might feel stressful and overwhelming?
I believe happiness is something you create so even when I’m a bit down and feeling stressed I try my best to create little things that will make my day a bit better. I try to think of something positive, take a deep breath, remind myself how grateful I am to be alive and have fun along the way.
Many people struggle with body image issues and self-esteem related to their physical appearance. How do you handle any negative comments or pressure to conform to societal standards of beauty as a fitness model?
My advice is first to love yourself and really believe you can achieve your goals. Everybody is different and their needs are different too. Find a reason to start your fitness journey, try to ignore negative comments, and strive towards your dream body.
What's your biggest failure and what did you learn from it?
I had motorbike accident 4 weeks before a competition in Singapore which meant I could not go. I learnt that I have to listen and respect my body as much as possible. I also learned that it’s important to relax, breath deep and not put too much pressure on myself.
Who is a role model for you? What inspires you about them?
Ade Rai (@ade_rai) He is a legend, world champion Indonesian bodybuilder and a very humble person that is dedicated to teaching Indonesian people the benefits of healthy living.

Hanna wearing Olympvs Contour Jeans In Jet Black.

Hanna is always on an adventure. Juggling her work, social media, fitness and hobbies.

Hanna snowboarding and mountain biking in New Zealand. Follow her Instagram here.
What's your motivation to better yourself?
I track my progress and add some challenges on my daily routine. Seeing progress is a great motivator and also improves my self-esteem.
What do you do if you have a negative inner voice?
Thinking of a positive phrase, instead of focusing on negative thoughts. This will help direct your attention toward what you can enjoy (positive mind).
What would be a perfect day for you?
Wake up 6 am
Drink apple cider vinegar with honey
45 minutes morning cardio
Healthy and yummy breakfast
Great gym session
Spending time with people you love
Good sleep with nice dreams
A day with everything goes just right
What are your goals for the next 1-2 years?
I want to get better at snowboarding along with learning more about backcountry snowboarding and practicing yoga professionally.
Do you have any advice for someone looking to grow their social media profile?
I keep my social media real, simple, inspiring, and entertaining.Be yourself on your social media and don’t try to be someone that you are not.
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